Mobilizing Members with the Advocacy Everywhere Concierge Service
In February 2021, the Utah REALTORS® ran, via the National Association of REALTORS® grant program, an Issues Mobilization effort with REAL Strategies as its vendor to support state legislation that allowed for internal Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Advocacy Everywhere Concierge™ Services were employed as part of this effort.
All REALTOR® members in the state received a Call For Action (CFA) with two email broadcasts and two text message alerts, directing them to send a pre-written message to their state legislators to vote yes on a bill that would allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) inside the home to combat low housing availability, as well as increase personal housing investment. The Utah REALTORS® also shared a link to their CFA on their Facebook page. Over the course of 11 days, the CFA had the following results:
1,020 Members took Action on the email broadcasts that were sent out.
358 Members took action on the text message alerts that were sent out.
5 Members took action on the Facebook link that was shared by the association.
Overall, 1,383 Members took action on this Advocacy Everywhere Call For Action.
A Consumer component was also included in this Call For Action. REALTORS® were asked to share a public facing link with their friends and family. To help spread the word on this landing page, we also asked non-REALTORS® to share the CFA message with their network.
62 Consumers (non-REALTORS®) took action on the Landing Page. To learn more about the Advocacy Everywhere Concierge™ Service, email